Talks and workshops to captivate & inspire
Each day of the conference focuses on a different theme - you can join us for all of them or a pick a day that suits you and your team best. We have all our talks in the morning, and then after lunch everyone heads off to their chosen workshops to do some hands on, practical learning.
Designing Products
Day One focuses on designing amazing products that deliver value to your customers and your business. We’ll explore the challenges of applying a user-centered approach to agile delivery, and how designers and product people can set themselves up for success as part of a cross-functional team. This includes gaining a better understanding of the language and levers of business, in order to become a more strategic and influential partner. Who to bring: Bring your product managers, product designers, and scrum masters.
Hack The Roadmap. Beat the Feature Factory
Finding Umami
Morning Break
Killing Products
Double Your Mileage: Use Your Design Research Strategically
Outcomes Over Output
Each afternoon there are six superb interactive workshops for you to choose from. They all run from 14.00 to 17.30 with a 30 minute break.
Workshops are on a first come first serve basis, so if you are particularly keen on one, make sure you get to the workshop room early to avoid missing out.
Better Strategy for Design
Bridging the Business/Experience Divide with the North Star Framework
Bridging the Business/Experience Divide with the North Star Framework
Core Values and Voice: The Elements of Content Design
How to Run Effective Workshops
Tough Conversations Having Them, Making Them Productive, and Surviving Them
Evening Events
–Opening Drinks at The Greenwich Tavern
Join us for a drink or two at the beautiful Greenwich Tavern and discuss the highlights of Day 1! The volunteers will be on hand to direct you to this lovely traditional London pub.
Designing for People
Day Two is about taking your customer experience to the next level, by unlocking the power of user-centred design. How can you develop insight into your customer needs, and use that to drive the content, design and strategy of your products and services? And once you’ve developed that insight, how do you get buy-in from the rest of the company? Who to bring: Bring your researchers, service designers and CX team.
Embedding Service Design in your Organisation through Journey Maps
How to Get the Writing Done
Morning Break
Design-Led Growth
Lessons from a Jazz Musician: Improvisation in UX
Hairy Arms, Painting Ducks, and Design Decisions
Each afternoon there are six superb interactive workshops for you to choose from. They all run from 14.00 to 17.30 with a 30 minute break.
Workshops are on a first come first serve basis, so if you are particularly keen on one, make sure you get to the workshop room early to avoid missing out.
Become a Business Savvy Designer
Better UX Writing
Mastering Collaboration
Practicing Growth Design
Scaling Design through Journey Maps
Let us entertain you!
Join us to sample our very own Beerleft custom brewed beer as well as cocktails, mocktails snacks and bites, before a rather special performance in the Laban Theatre...! More details coming soon.
Designing for the Future
Day Three is all about looking at the technologies, challenges and trends shaping the future of our work. How can we better predict and deal with the unintended consequences of our designs? Could Design Futures be a way of taking a longer and more strategic view of our impact as Designers? If so, what tools and techniques can we deploy to maximise user value while minimizing misuse? Who to bring: Bring your managers, executives and leadership team
Tobias Ahlin Bjerrome - Talk Title TBC
Designing for Everyone
Morning break
Gaming the Future
Could We? Should We? Tackling the Unintended Consequences of Design
Not Your Typical Design Ethics Talk
Each afternoon there are six superb interactive workshops for you to choose from. They all run from 14.00 to 17.30 with a 30 minute break.
Workshops are on a first come first serve basis, so if you are particularly keen on one, make sure you get to the workshop room early to avoid missing out.
A Practical Approach to Designing the Future
A Practical Approach to Designing the Future
Articulating Design Decisions
Canvases, Models, & Maps, Oh My!
Envisioning Outcomes to Build Better Products
Writing for Designers
Farewell Drinks
All good things have to come to an end...join us for a farewell drink at Laban and re-live your favourite moments of UX London 2020.